Oh Rose, thou art sick

samedi, août 26, 2006

Mijn Zomergasten #4

Best Buffy moment, and it's neither funny nor romantic nor a spectacular fight. It is not from the best of episodes, actually it's not even a particularly good episode, come to think of it..
But it's Tara. Tara, along with Drusilla, being my favourite Buffy character. She's definitely one of those 'yes the character, no the person' types. I grew up on Buffy, being two years younger than the characters on the show and faithfully watching it for seven long years, so I simply have to add it to my list here.
The episode's called 'Family', and it's about Tara's family coming to get her cause she'll turn into a Demon at 21. The entire hour she tries to avert people from finding out by putting spells on them, which leads to some comical situations, for her spell makes her friends unable to see any demon whatsoever.
This is the confrontation moment with the family coming to get her. It's all a bit gooey and sappy, but watch what the niece asks her in the end and watch her response.
That response, that's the best Buffy moment ever.

Oh, and go watch this one as well. She can sing.

jeudi, août 24, 2006

Mijn Zomergasten #3

My ex-roommate CBKE introduced me to the wonderful Indian-Canadian director Deepa Metha. She made a trilogy about problems in Indian society based on the elements. The first was 'Fire' (amazing movie), the second 'Earth' (which I have yet to see) and the third 'Water'. Each movie is steeped in the element it is named after (just like the Trois Couleurs movies are filled with their specific colours). Below is a fragment of 'Water'. It's set in India in the 1930's.
The main character is Chuyia, a little girl who is widowed while she's about seven years old.
Because she is a widow, she now becomes an outcast of society. She's locked away in a home with a lot of other widows. They all have to wear white and shave their heads, and they are officially alike to the dead when they enter that place.
This fragment below is one of the rare happy moments of the movie, the only time that the widows are officially allowed to have fun, on the annual celebration of Holi, a Hindu Spring festival. (doesn't work anymore, watch promo instead)

Does Chuyia have to live the rest of her life there? Can the beautiful young widow who lives in the same home marry the man she falls in love with, a modern young Indian follower of Ghandi?
It's a really beautiful and tragic work of art. Go rent it.

Another movie fragment I wanted to share comes from the German movie 'Aimee & Jaguar'. It's about two women who fall in love during World War II. One is an Arian wife, the other a Jewess. It's based on a true story! Lilly (aka Aimee) doesn't know her love, Felice (aka Jaguar), is a Jew, and this fragment is the confession moment. Enjoy. Sorry this one's really gone, you'll just have to take my word for it.

Interesting fact: the one who plays Lilly also plays Eva Braun in 'Der Untergang'.

mercredi, août 23, 2006

Mijn Zomergasten #2

OK, best Tori-thing EVER. It just shows her genius and insanity and quirkiness and talent. The comment said she was so on drugs, to which someone replied she was on the drug of passion and cosmic energy. That's Tori for you. :D

Inanna, Inanna, Inanna

Five Quotes

In between --> I've taken up the quotes idea which I found on the blog of Ze Wise One, and shall share with you the five random quotes I found:

1. The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.
William James (1842 - 1910)
This will be my job hopefully.

2. It's odd that you can get so anesthetized by your own pain or your own problem that you don't quite fully share the hell of someone close to you.
Lady Bird Johnson (1912 - )
I love the understatement of this, the ‘don’t quite fully’.

3. Seize the moment of excited curiosity on any subject to solve your doubts; for if you let it pass, the desire may never return, and you may remain in ignorance.
William Wirt (1772 - 1834)
Do it now. Now now now now now.

4. Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it.
Jane Wagner, (and Lily Tomlin)
This is why I try not to be in touch with reality.

5. Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.
Henry Miller (1891 - 1980)

Forget yourself indeed. Well, most of these quotes speak for themselves. I wholeheartedly agree with ‘m.

Mijn Zomergasten

probably something I read in the News of the World said you could create your own Zomergasten through Youtube. So I decided to look things up and publish it on my blog. You get to comment on it if you want and ask me questions. The problem with this type of Zomergasten is that you can't always find the video's you'd like. And they don't have any of the documentaries I was looking for, so it'll be mostly trailers, comedy and music.

To start out with, I have to throw in some Coupling. It's funny. Trust me. I found a great Steve-speech. They've been torturing him all night for owning a movie called 'Lesbian Spank Inferno', and he's finally had enough. I like the pillow-speech better, but I couldn't find it. Or the funeral episode, and especially the 'I am Giselle' thingie, but that one wasn't on Youtube either. Enjoy!

mardi, août 22, 2006


Let's start with the history part first. The London Underground started even before the fin de siecle. Above you see a rare picture of the brave builders who dared venture lower than the sewers. Let me assure you that this was before Tatcher closed down the mines. And no singing! I warn you!

After this eventful bussiness, it grew and grew into a monsterous entity, used as a bomb-shelter during the heavy enemy attacks in World War II. Here you see a picture of the sleeping conditions down there. Very comfortable if you can't speak with rats.

Which reminds me, I sooooo want to read Neverwhere again and visualize all the references I've now actually seen. Every time I went past Islington I thought: it's the ANGEL Islington! Moehahaha! I tried to look at the musicians more, and tried to remember them, cause they're parts of London Below, but sadly, I forgot most of 'm. Guess I'll never be of that 'other' world. Ah well, didn't really need it anyways, I was having fun in London Above.

In contrast to the German or Dutch subway, the London one really reminded me of the Hungarian subway in the movie Kontroll. Just as many confusing Underground pathways and loooooooong elevators. I was scared every time the train came (not just cause they're Pretty fast).

mercredi, août 16, 2006


London never sleeps,
it just sucks
The life out of me
And the money from my pocket
London always creeps,
showbiz hugs
The life out of me
Have some dignity honey
Euston, Paddington train station please
Make the red lights turn green
My black cab rolls through the neon disease
Endelessly, endelessly
London never sleeps, it sucks
The life out of me
Show some dignity honey
Sushi bars, wet fish it just sucks
The life out of me
And the money from my pocket
Euston, Paddington train station please
Make the red lights turn green
My black cab rolls through the neon disease
en - de - less - ly