Oh Rose, thou art sick

lundi, juillet 18, 2005

Veruca Salt

Just hung out with some people and saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was vewwy pwitty! The 2001 Space Odyssey references were especially enjoyable. I had to go get chocolate afterwards, so now I'm feeling noxious, isn't it great?!

This one grrrrrl's name was Veruca Salt though, the spoiled little rich brad who's father had his factory converted to an unwrapping-of-chocolatebars place to get a golden ticket, and I'm like, isn't that a band?
So courtesy of AMG:

Veruca Salt reshaped the jagged, abrasive punk-pop of the Pixies and Breeders into a more accessible, riff-driven power pop formula that also borrowed from pop/hard rockers like Cheap Trick. It was a successful formula, both musically and commercially, yet it didn't ensure them indie rock credibility; in fact, they became one of the most harshly criticized bands of the post-Nirvana alternative rock era.

They apparently toured with Hole sometime or other. Got their name from the book. They're affiliated with something Tanya did, so I probably wanted to check them out because of that. They're beautiful people!

samedi, juillet 16, 2005

The green faery

Great news from Durtro:

David meets the green fairy

David has been commissioned to design the label for a bottle of absinthe. He is very very delighted to accept. This absinthe will be generally available, though the best place to purchase it from is direct from Absinthvertrieb Lion. They can ship orders worldwide. There will also be a limited edition of 93 in a special wooden case with printed C93 image on the lid. This case will include: a bottle of absinthe with the label signed by David; 2 absinthe glasses; 2 absinthe spoons; and a limited CD only available in the special edition featuring a song with David on vocals and Ben Chasny on guitar. For more details contact Markus and Absinthevertrieb. The website is available in English, German and French.

Guess what I had at the bar last night?

Wild Mushroom Soup
roasted assorted mushrooms in a thyme and vegetable broth
Van Gogh's ear
Absinthe poured over a flaming sugar cube, chilled and shaken with tart lime and lightly rimmed with sugar

It was wonderful! Of course, it isn't the real thing yet, but I'll get at it, someday! Decadence will avail!

jeudi, juillet 14, 2005

Sweet sweet sweet the sting

She meant Bees people, Bees, creatures that produce honey. Useful, beautiful creatures that have a purpose, that produce the nectar of the Gods (and Goddesses). That are tended by the Beekeeper shaman (of long old lore, may Dad be amongst them furthermore).

Not frikkin Wasps! That sting was none so sweet as I wanted to be, and they who did it did not, of course, the Corrs, die as they should.

mercredi, juillet 13, 2005

And I've never seen light

But I sure have seen gold .....

Muhammed my friend is moving out while I leave for New York City and become a volunteer in Recycling and litter at Falcon Ridge Folk Festival, where I will proceed to accomplish part two of my grand mistress plan in coming to Canada.

Part one was obviously the following:


Tomorrow I shall loose the laptop, and monday I'm going away for a month. So don't expect much presence.


It's been a year and a day. The official learning period.

May she bloom in her world. Also to George, may he be blissfully unaware amongst his Aliens.

lundi, juillet 11, 2005

Grail traditions in Western Esotericism

Something has rekindled my intellectual spark, for which I am very grateful. I am now deeply interested in my Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism again.

Tonight, I read about Grail traditions in Western Esotericism. Apparently, these were created in the late nineteenth century after Romanticism flirted with it. Such artists as Dante Gabriel Rossetti (whose work I adore) sparkled it.

Both within the Theosopical Society and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, several people toyed with the symbolism of the Grail myth. Crowley was of course one of them. Although there is no doubt that his thoughts on the Grail were profoundly anti-Christian, there are to be found several Christian Grail traditions (f.e. in Anthroposophy), as well as Neo-pagan and Gnostic Grail traditions.

The belief that the cup of the Grail was symbolic for God's divine rays which spread out and Created, with the solid matter of Earth at it's ends and humankind able to attain that divine spark that was left in them if they tried to get to the spiritual level, was and is being held by several Grail movements. These movements have such fun titles as: the Order of the Table Round, the cult of the Grail, the Order of the Round Table, and the International Grail Movement.

Apparently, in recent years, there have been a lot of schisms within the Grail movements. Websites following Abd-ru-shin ("Son of Light", 1875-1941) can be found here and here. The mainstream Grail movements combined hold about 20.000 members covering the Globe.

Anyone read the DaVinciCode yet?

Les Saint Marie de la Mer indeed.

Trois Couleurs

I watched it last night, whilst drinking a bottle of Rose. You know, because Blanc should go with white wine, Rouge should go with red, so Bleu should go with Rose. Wine is a part of many French movies, though many don't realize this.
It was wonderful, I especially appreciated the scene where she borrowed the neighbours cat to kill off the baby mice that had lodged in her apartment, letting it in through a crack in the door and then running away. Have to see the other two now.

dimanche, juillet 10, 2005


The invisible worm
That flies in the night,
in the howling storm
Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy.
And with his dark secret love,
does thy life destroy.
~ William Blake
On the plus side, the daily news said world leaders of the industrialized nations have decided to double money for Africa. Now just ratify Kyoto and we'll all live happily ever after.