Oh Rose, thou art sick

mardi, août 22, 2006


Let's start with the history part first. The London Underground started even before the fin de siecle. Above you see a rare picture of the brave builders who dared venture lower than the sewers. Let me assure you that this was before Tatcher closed down the mines. And no singing! I warn you!

After this eventful bussiness, it grew and grew into a monsterous entity, used as a bomb-shelter during the heavy enemy attacks in World War II. Here you see a picture of the sleeping conditions down there. Very comfortable if you can't speak with rats.

Which reminds me, I sooooo want to read Neverwhere again and visualize all the references I've now actually seen. Every time I went past Islington I thought: it's the ANGEL Islington! Moehahaha! I tried to look at the musicians more, and tried to remember them, cause they're parts of London Below, but sadly, I forgot most of 'm. Guess I'll never be of that 'other' world. Ah well, didn't really need it anyways, I was having fun in London Above.

In contrast to the German or Dutch subway, the London one really reminded me of the Hungarian subway in the movie Kontroll. Just as many confusing Underground pathways and loooooooong elevators. I was scared every time the train came (not just cause they're Pretty fast).