Oh Rose, thou art sick

dimanche, juin 18, 2006

The apocalyptic muses

Is it prophetic? Should I just give up trying? Why do all the pictures I try to take of this fleeting spirit fail? And after all that noisy clicking, just a bunch of gray blurs. I'm very upset by this all. I guess I shall have to see them again. One day I will succeed. And I still want to be in a picture with David Michael anyways.
The Berlin show we saw was very superterrestrial. Cheeky Julie looked like she lost some weight in her black dress, Simon Finn like he was a drunk junkie (Jerusalem was Whaaaaaaaa!! again). The first leaving was a classic One by One, with Maja first to last and Baby Dee on harp ending. The encore was a lovely Coal Black Smith, which is a really nice skipping song, we found out afterwards. Then there was just really long and loud applause, with lots of people already leaving. It must have been some ten, fifteen minutes till David came back with Maja. He said something about him having banged his head against a wall for some 20+ years and now being very impressed to discover that we had been there alongside him, banging our heads just as hard. So he thanked us for sharing this Patripasianistic Gnostic Apocalyptic Dark Dream vision with him. And he sang another Soft Black Stars song afterwards. Amazing ending!