Aethereal Voices

bought 14 cd's during my last travels, which makes 21 in a year, plus got a few copies of some living necessities from a dear colleague. I'm adding them now to My Musical Identity, which has been used extreamely sparsely over the last year, but which I am again reactivating. I'm already catching up with you deary. Fear and Tremble.
At 05 avril, 2006 05:44,
Anonyme said…
you've got 'blind'??? i didnt think you liked harriet wheeler's voice?
cracking album... do you have the version with or without 'wild horses'?
ah, but track two is the best thing on the album... bloody wonderful song!
At 05 avril, 2006 21:04,
Oh Rose, thou art sick said…
I do like her voice, though not as much as Hope's voice for example. And besides, I couldn't leave it lying there for just 4 dollars, now could I?
Got the version with 'wild horses' of course, that's my favourite!
You love 'Goodbye'? The lyrics seem awfully depressing! Strong emotions leave deep impressions though, come to think of it..
At 07 avril, 2006 20:33,
Anonyme said…
it isnt just the lyrics, it is the fact that so much seems to happen in the song.
and then there is that bit near the middle of the song, were vocals and guitar seem to compete with one another... send shivers down me spine every time
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