Oh Rose, thou art sick

lundi, septembre 26, 2005

Purple people

Yesterday, we went shopping, like we do almost every Solday after brunch. Except that it was dreary weather. I wore my purple skirt, which I bought at this cool clothingstore called Lilith (ironically, they sell materinty wear as well, isn't that funny? And furthermore, did you know Rossetti painted Her? I just love his work :D ). Therefore, I decided to buy and eat only purple food that day.
In the evening, I made a stirfry of purple onion, aubergine and yam. Had some dates with it. For dessert, I got blue grapes, which are purple, and I wish pretty girls would make those, but that's beside the point, and blackberry creamy goodness dairythingy. I also had purple corn chips when we watched 'Garden State', which, by the way, was a pretty endearing and sweet film.

Nowish, I wish I had my 'Gotta Get Over Greta' cd here, so I could listen to 'Best Black Dress', which has those wonderful lyrics:

Mr. George Fox has a daughter just my age
I've seen her once or twice at the other end of his estate
She has long purple skirts and an old mutt she got in college
I wonder if she's seen me creeping home at night through the foliage
Has she seen me?
I watch me be this other thing and never know
if i'm marooned o'er where the purple people go ..
mmmmmmmmmmmm Christmas In Space ..... Look at the kitty, isn't it cute?

dimanche, septembre 25, 2005

Gothic Romance

is absolutely what 'the Corpse Bride' was. Puppets in a gothic romance. Gothic as in the period more than the current way of life. A great creation. So about movies, ones I want to see, ones I've seen and ones I'm looking forward to.

So 'the Corpse Bride' was great, 'the Brothers Grimm' not so much, because they put in non-Grimmian fairytales like little red riding hood and I'm a purist so that was bad. And the accents were just terrible. Looking forward to seeing 'Garden State' tonight. 'Napoleon Dynamite' was unanimously found pretty terrible, don't watch it, it's pretentious but doesn't actually achieve any feeling of reality. I liked 'Sex is Comedy', which I finally saw, but everyone else hated it. But then, I like Catherine Breillat as a director, and they'd probably have hated 'A ma Soeur' as well which I really enjoyed (although watching it in a combination of German/French on Arte made it difficult to follow at first).
End of this month, both 'Mirrormask' and 'Serenity' are coming to the theatres. What to watch first? It's such a dillema!! There was a "Josh-a-thon" on SPACE during Labourday, so I spend eleven hours that day watching television, the last episode of Buffy and after that ten and a half episodes of Firefly. I've since seen the last three and a half episodes, so am totally prepared for the movie. The 8th of October we (being me and MissTrix) are going to a Neil Gaiman event, so that'll be partly Mirrormask-themed. They're selling signed copies of Anasi Boys, so I'm waiting with the buying of it till then. We only got the non-signing tickets, because the others were sold out. I plan to grovel, beg and bribe. If I can. On another note, I'm going to be Delirium for Hallowe'en :)

Trois Couleurs


I watched it last night, and didn't notice the colourtheme as much as with Bleu. Maybe because white is more inconspicious, maybe because it wasn't there as much, probably the former. The statue of the girl representing his wife, the two franc coin, all not as white as the blue leitmotif thingies were blue in Bleu. I liked it, great story, and had white wine with it of course, but Bleu is better.
We watched extras to see what the sign language means, but it's still ambiguous. She seems to be talking about if she gets out, there'll be another wedding (whhhhhhhhhhite wedding), and the spacebars disappear.

lundi, septembre 12, 2005

Cocteau Twin(s) Peak

Somehow the Cocteau Twins make music that matches Twin Peaks in an eerie way. We have now seen the first season of this great TV show, and am looking forward to more after that 7th episode cliff-hanger. My colleague at work today told me I should watch Blue Velvet as well. Stranger that Mulholland Dr., apparently, but no Laura Harring in that one.

There was a Cocteaufest in Toronto, whereat they played Cocteau Twins music all night, as a sort of tribute. I attended, but unfortunately it was very empty, so I left again to wander around, and found out Seekers Bookstore is opened everyday till midnight!! This bookstore is wonderful, because it has great second-hand books and an esoteric section. I bought a number of books (listed below), and then went back to the Cocteaufest, bought a beer and proceeded to read William Blake, who of course wrote 'the Sick Rose', to which I've already treated you ~ so now I shall give you 'And did those feet in Ancient Time', a cricket song these days (so I've heard, under the name 'Jerusalem'), but originally an anti-industrialism/ anti-commerce/ anti-empire/ anti-war pro-naturalize poem. I'm sure William Blake would not appreciate the way the English have raped his work, them that did not recognize his greatness when he needed it the most. Great engraver he was, as well.

And did those feet in Ancient Time

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?

And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark Satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold:
Bring me my arrows of desire:
Bring me my spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire.

I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.

Books I bought:

* William Blake ~ Songs of Innocence and of Experience.

* Emily Dickinson ~ collection of poems by Everyman Library.

* Thomas Hardy ~ Under the Greenwood Tree.

* Toni Morrison ~ Song of Solomon (Nobel Prize winner).

* Starhawk ~ The Spiral Dance (20th anniversary edition).