Purple people

Yesterday, we went shopping, like we do almost every Solday after brunch. Except that it was dreary weather. I wore my purple skirt, which I bought at this cool clothingstore called Lilith (ironically, they sell materinty wear as well, isn't that funny? And furthermore, did you know Rossetti painted Her? I just love his work :D ). Therefore, I decided to buy and eat only purple food that day.
In the evening, I made a stirfry of purple onion, aubergine and yam. Had some dates with it. For dessert, I got blue grapes, which are purple, and I wish pretty girls would make those, but that's beside the point, and blackberry creamy goodness dairythingy. I also had purple corn chips when we watched 'Garden State', which, by the way, was a pretty endearing and sweet film.
Nowish, I wish I had my 'Gotta Get Over Greta' cd here, so I could listen to 'Best Black Dress', which has those wonderful lyrics:
Mr. George Fox has a daughter just my age
I've seen her once or twice at the other end of his estate
She has long purple skirts and an old mutt she got in college
I wonder if she's seen me creeping home at night through the foliage
Has she seen me?

I watch me be this other thing and never know
if i'm marooned o'er where the purple people go ..
mmmmmmmmmmmm Christmas In Space ..... Look at the kitty, isn't it cute?
At 08 octobre, 2005 02:02,
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