Gothic Romance

is absolutely what 'the Corpse Bride' was. Puppets in a gothic romance. Gothic as in the period more than the current way of life. A great creation. So about movies, ones I want to see, ones I've seen and ones I'm looking forward to.
So 'the Corpse Bride' was great, 'the Brothers Grimm' not so much, because they put in non-Grimmian fairytales like little red riding hood and I'm a purist so that was bad. And the accents were just terrible. Looking forward to seeing 'Garden State' tonight. 'Napoleon Dynamite' was unanimously found pretty terrible, don't watch it, it's pretentious but doesn't actually achieve any feeling of reality. I liked 'Sex is Comedy', which I finally saw, but everyone else hated it. But then, I like Catherine Breillat as a director, and they'd probably have hated 'A ma Soeur' as well which I really enjoyed (although watching it in a combination of German/French on Arte made it difficult to follow at first).

End of this month, both 'Mirrormask' and 'Serenity' are coming to the theatres. What to watch first? It's such a dillema!! There was a "Josh-a-thon" on SPACE during Labourday, so I spend eleven hours that day watching television, the last episode of Buffy and after that ten and a half episodes of Firefly. I've since seen the last three and a half episodes, so am totally prepared for the movie. The 8th of October we (being me and MissTrix) are going to a Neil Gaiman event, so that'll be partly Mirrormask-themed. They're selling signed copies of Anasi Boys, so I'm waiting with the buying of it till then. We only got the non-signing tickets, because the others were sold out. I plan to grovel, beg and bribe. If I can. On another note, I'm going to be Delirium for Hallowe'en :)
At 25 septembre, 2005 21:32,
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