How come, when I see a procession of military monkeys doing a synchronized thing, I inevitably get a lump in my throat and tears start welling to the surface making my eyes shiny? It happened to me again when seeing the marching in Ottawa, where eyehurtingly red costumes did a slow manballet. It happens when I see ministers on television being saluted by the entire military base in Iraq standing in long lines towards the mouth of the invader, where the minister is eventually always dwindling to, looking like a wet rag. Doesn't matter which minister, they all seem terribly incompetent. The same thing happens with openly ridiculous nationalism in voiceovers that are all to serious without pretty lights. It just brings me to the verge of crying instead of me seeing the sardonic humour in it all which I'm usually so very good at. Please, I need help! How can I make it go away? Destroy all military personnel and invite silly hippies to join the army in their own homemade flower costumes, or is it better to go after the governments and introduce utter anarchy?
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