Oh Rose, thou art sick

mardi, avril 24, 2007

When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed

Taken from a part of Walt Whitman's poem:

In the dooryard fronting an old farm-house near the white-washed palings,
Stands the lilac-bush tall-growing with heart-shaped leaves of rich green,

With many a pointed blossom rising delicate, with the perfume strong I love,

With every leaf a miracle -and from this bush in the dooryard,

With delicate-coloured blossoms and heart-shaped leaves of rich green,

A sprig with its flower I break.

The redheaded schizophrenic woman


New album out this friday!

By accident, or just checking Undented a lot (Ears With Feet link on your right), I won a contest from Viva (I know..) to go to a listening session of this very album two weeks before it came out! I had to write a poem, five lines, so I stole some stuff from lyrics, I think it was something like this:

I'm in New York somewhere
Checking my accounts
Across the street I see
A love lost and found
Painted in mint ice cream

Additionaly, lovely Tori also did five songs live over two hours of radio show (Dutch program
'Spijkers met Koppen' with Dolf Jansen). It was in this small Englishy pub in Utrecht, free entrance. There were loads of insane fans, some came 8 o'clock already. Some guy who went to the radio show every week, just for fun, said it had never been that busy. Tori was being a real diva, demanding everybody left the pub to stand in the scourging sunshine so she could sound check. It was all worth it, naturally. To bad she did Leather and Silent All These Years, have heard those way too much already, but Almost Rosey, Beauty of Speed and the premiere of Roosterspur Bridge were very cool indeed. Then on to the listening session where Tori came to talk to the lucky winners for a bit, finally requesting the people to turn on the volume on high, because she made big music, not little music. Album was promising, although the album version of Almost Rosey and Velvet Revolution kinda sucked. I want to hear more soon! Afterwards some Torifans and me had ice cream @ Australian, cause it was f*cking hot outside.

Tired of Being Sexy

We went to see Cansei the Ser Sexy, aka the above title, CSS for short, the day after Easter (we had nettlesoop in wineglasses and rhubarb-pie for Easter linner, very lovely). There were some other bands as well, but they weren't important.
I could give you a review, but the whole concert is available online, so it would be kind of pointless. I really enjoyed myself, liked the hula hoop thing, we jumped around a lot, I got stuck in the pit for a bit but when a girl fainted because three people fell on her (me as the last one) I went back to the others who were standing mid centre. Most chickened out but Boy Charming, Kereltje and me hit the after party for a bit and danced around in Paradiso's basement. There were a whole lotta lesbians around too. Just saying.