Imogen Heap

Lady is totally a butterfly. Not only did she have her equipment covered with silver and red glittery butterflies, as well as green and red leaves/flowers, but she fluttered around the stage as well. Her music is very fluttery to, if you ask me. She played in El Mocambo Thursday night, with opening acts Zoe Keating (of whom I bought the CD + had it signed, she played the cello, recorded while she played, made it loop back, recorded another tune/part, recorded and had it loop, etc. Very interesting and sonically pleasing), and Milosh, a band from Toronto, two guys on guitars and computer and one was singing. Was alright.
Now Imogen, I didn't hang around for her signature, mainly because they weren't selling the CD there so I had nothing to get signed. Lady totally won me over. I had been listening the last couple of weeks to her CD online, which grows on you a lot when played more often, but her life-show amazed me completely. She is one talented artist. She played the keyboard, sang, and played her equipment, thus being a one-woman band. She had beat boxes, an Apple, a thing to echo her voice, a multiple-voices machine, and two other sound boxes. The song she made for the movie Narnia she did (plays during the last scene), and also an old Frou Frou song. She had a flowy redish dress on, and her hair was big and up. She wore red fishnets, came on with white boots which she subsequently took off to flutter on her white hairy rug. She doesn't need boots anyway, tall as she is. Behind her was a see-through white curtain with lights trailing down behind it and flowing onto the stage. El Mocambo is a nice old-taverny venue, and famous because the Stones played there once, enticing the prime-ministers wife to party with them apparently, so she's known as a 'wild woman'.
We missed out on Imogen during the Summer of Sin, but I'm very glad she came by later on.