Oh Rose, thou art sick

samedi, juin 30, 2007


The Toclafane, they are us! I knew it! Evil as hell of course, and like children. That's what happened at the end of the Universe, when they went to Utopia, that's what they, what we, became. I have seen the end and it's very Lovecrafty. Toclafane are so much better than Daleks!
So sad now we have to wait till Christmas for more of the Doctor :( ~ luckily Martha has left, she was really annoying. It's almost like that woman in Inland Empire, who always kept her mouth open.. And also, Captain Jack will become the Face of Bo!! Who ever suspected that?!?

Warrior Doll

Me and Sailorboy (formerly known as Boy Charming) went to see Tori in the beerhall. The opening act was pretty bad, like being in an Irish bar, only more crowded is what Sailorboy said.
Tori played very long, but since I'm following the tour I knew what to expect. I could tell Sailorboy how long we had to go. 't was too long for the non-fanatics, but too short for me always. Toronto was a more intense experience, but Tori was great in voice and magnificent in performance.
She opened as Pip, who is her embodiment of Athena, a warrior goddess. I was hoping for Pip so was pleased, though if I could see another show now I'd cross my fingers for Isabel (Clyde's settlist has improved a lot as well). The Fat Slut on her knees was great, here's an interesting anti G8-improv + Fat Slut she did in Dusseldorf.
Tori herself did two improvs, the long one, My Piano, was really funny. We were lucky to get that. I like the improvisations this tour more than the covers last time around I think. She's bringing out some covers now as well and still debuting songs almost every show. We only got the regular albums songs, except for one B-side; Flying Dutchman, which was nice to hear. I loved me some Spring Haze and Caught A Lite Sneeze too :D . After Hey Jupiter we left quickly to avoid the Topper's crowd (who were enjoying themselves in the Arena opposite the beerhall).

All I want from Tori now is that she debuts Datura :P (and maybe for her to stop wearing those ridiculous wigs ans hats during the M&G's, really, you don't need it judging from the pics without of late).

Donau festival

So are you wondering why I have not raved about the Donau festival yet (except for the Lilacs)? The only good explanation is: I'm still speechless!! *sigh* Austria was fun. Except for the quest for yellow tower, and the possibility of snakes, that is :p . Oh, and the wine-museum didn't have any real wine, that was kind off a let down, but beautiful damaged old Fresco's made up for it. Krems and it's neighbour are silly little villages with noone good shops but nice wells and architecture.
And we finally met David Michael! And I took many pics of him and the entourage, and got to be in a picture with him thanks to Ze Wise One (see link to your right)! Half of the concerts were in a church in the next village, the rest in a big hall in Krems. There was futuristic art too, the machine that answered all your questions, however, did not know the meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything. There were hammocks where you could feel music through sensors without hearing it. Fun!

As for some pictures that will tell you more than my meaningless words:

Andria Degens as Pantaleimon with her scary straight figure and her sleep inducing music was the same as always. BTW ~ do you know there's a movie version of The Golden Compass (yeah I know it's supposed to be called Northern Lights) coming out this December? Nicole Kidman plays Mrs Coulter, I thinks she's made for the part. Too bad stupid blond Bond is Lord Asriel.

The amazing Simon Finn didn't have the best of guitars, strings kept breaking so he changed the set and had Julie Wood singing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'.

The lovely Baby Dee with John Contreras on Cello, I so have to get one of her albums one of these days..

My Little Annie Anxiety pics turned out great! Very theatrical performance, which isn't very surprising since she comes from that direction. She really looks like she has had way too much drugs in her career, and she was a very interesting person. Scary, too. Good thing I like scary.

The hyperactive Bonnie Prince Billy with a red dot on his head (the make-up was brought to us by the lovely Baby Dee) was accompanied by the even more hyperactive Dawn 'the Faun' McCarthy. They were great together. I have since bought the latest Faun Fables album. It is growing on me each day, I love the train theme running through it.

And Current. I think they had about sixteen people on stage. Two piano's, two Cello's, a Harp, a Violin, Flutes and more Violin from Julie, a Grunter, the hypnotic Singer and numerous guitar thingies. Too bad Maja Elliot was invisible from where we were.

One needs some wine from time to time, after all that passionate singing, especially because we were in Austria's wine-growing region. The set-list was great, the only downer the drunken screaming guy in the audience (I think he kept requesting Balance. Unfortunately he's dead, you know? And he kept shouting out for William Breeze, the electrical viola player who's also an OTO leader).

A match made in Heaven?

Concert by the Gossip rocked! What a cool woman Beth Ditto is :) ~ News of the World (see link too your right) wrote about it, but that was the same woman who ditched Tori and can't for the live of her remember any song titles. But nevertheless, she provides some amusing info.

I totally think Beth should join forces with Roxy! I know, you probably don't want to think about it, but they are made for each other! Fat little Beth with her anchor tattoo that says MAMA and skinny scary Roxy with her anchor tattoo that says POP.....
A guerilla filmmaker and a radical feminist, and they're both lesbians so that should work ;)

iieeend some more

These be the Magickal and Apocalyptic ones (my favs ~ if you cannot read it, click on the pics for a larger version):

Ze newest hype


Kitty macros! I collected some good ones of the web: