Dogs and Foxes

We went to Paradiso four times in the past two weeks. We saw the dog people, who were a joyous bunch but only half perfect. They did play 'She's Losing It', which was wonderful, naturally. They neglected to play 'Judy and the Dream of Horses' though, which was rather a shame. We also went to see the bands 'Dungen' and 'Xiu Xiu', who were both pretty good.
Last night, we saw the fox lady. She was truly amazing! Her voice is superb, she has chosen the finest musicians to accompany her, and her background vocalist was very cute (also an important factor). They had a nice selection of merchandise on sale.
Now, the most important difference between the dog people and the fox lady was the SMOKE. The dog people positively promoted it, proclaiming that it was such a relief that we could still do it while the Scottish have outlawed the whole thing. Subsequently asking the audience for a fag and a lighter, and beginning to puff on stage. This had the effect that all the people around us uttered primeval shrieks and started lighting fags as well, unfortunately for our lungs. The fox lady, on the other hand, had closed of the entrance doors of the small performance hall, and put signs on them (as well as at the bar) saying 'NO SMOKING'. Course, there were still some idiots puffing away, just like at the Tift concert, but in general, the air was CLEAR. Madam, I salute you!
(this on account of me being a promoter of the Clean Air Nederland citizens' initiative)