where the evil queen lives. It should be crystal. Will see tonight. So Current is playing San Francisco and I'm still here, going to see Mirrormask tonight, which is way not as spectacular but also good. At the Gaiman signing I bought a little booklet which tells the story with drawings cryptically ~ it reminded me a lot of my favourite childhood novel: Annetje Lie in het Holst van de Nacht. At least, it was my favourite childhood novel until I read the Thule trilogy. Wait wait, I just found out Thule actually exists! As an airforce base, but in the right place. So I wonder why they never translated these books, the only Thea Beckman book in English is Kruistocht in Spijkerbroek (Crusade in Jeans), and it's soooooo not the best (I mean, Hasse Simonsdochter, Rad van Fortuin trilogieboeken, Korilu). Kinderen van Moeder Aarde, which translated would be Children of Mother Earth, and the other two, oh, just the title sounds good in English, somebody should so do that.. They are about the world six centuries after World War III, when almost everybody has died and the earth's climate has shifted so as to make Greenland paradisiacal, with all the natural resources intact and all. A new culture is started here, ruled by women, and the world is completely different. Then a ship from the old continent (which apparently has fallen back into a worse patriarchal culture) arrives, later a fleet and in the last book there is a war. And the emancipation of males in Thullian society (through the prince who falls in love with an old continent girl). These books explain why I love silver and don't really care about gold (for an indebt in my psyche) ~ it's totally Thullian society. Actually, Thulian culture exists and is partly Canadian, although not the futuristic version of it, but it's an Inuit tribal society.
Anyways, what was I on about? Oh yes, the movie, Mirrormask, and my old favourite childhood book, which was about a little girl who fell really ill and had to go live with her grandma, her parent's abandoning her. Then she found, in the middle of her feathery blanket, 'het holst van de nacht' (the middle/ centre/ hole/ darkest time of the night). Oeh, guess what, it's online! And her friends the moon and the mouseking (actually, he was the worst of mice ever because he had a red tail, which is absolutely the most horrible thing which can happen to you if you're a mouse, but then he painted it green, which is a sign of royalty) were there, as well as the messroom (only if you called it that it would get really angry with you and all the bad things came out, like the dresswoman ~ who had something with bridalshoes ~ it liked to be called the Dark Chamber, then it was nice to you), and the evil fox that took out her hairs, and there was the circus.. Actually, the girl in Mirrormask is from a circus. You think Neil can secretly read Dutch and totally ripped Imme Dros of? They call it the Dead of the Night. Holst is a hard word to translate.
Here ended the nonsensical rambling monologue, feel free to detangle my mind.